

September 2021 saw the introduction of a new curriculum structure here at All Saints that delivers an exciting and creative curriculum that develops knowledge, skills and understanding.  We believe that our learning challenges children whilst at the same time developing their independent learning skills as they are encouraged to ask and answer their own questions within each subject.  The link below will take you to our Curriculum Statement where you can learn more about curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact. 


Curriculum Statement


Please click on the links below to see the Curriculum Map for each of our classes:

Busy Bees (pre-school)

Cherry Class (Reception)

Oak Class (Year 1 & Year 2)

Rowan Class (Year 3 & Year 4)


Please click on the links below to see examples of the knowledge mats for topics in KS1 and KS2.

KS1 Knowledge Map example

KS2 Knowledge Map example

Further information relevant to subjects can be found in our termly Parent Information Leaflets located on each class page.


Throughout EYFS and KS1 we use Little Wandle to deliver our Phonics curriculum.  This is a DFE approved systematic phonics scheme and alongside the delivery of phonics sessions children have 3 guided reading sessions each week.  Books are matched closely to the phonics being taught that week.  Following the third guided read in school, parents are given access to the book to read at home with their child to further develop fluency.  These books are accessed via the online Collins portal.

In order to foster a love of reading children also take home a shared reading book each week and a reading for pleasure book that can be read to them by someone at home.



At All Saints CE First School, we include Music in our weekly curriculum. Please click on the link below to read our Music Development Plan. 

Music Development Plan 


Please click here to find information about our PSHE & Relationships Curriculum.



All schools are required to have in place their own assessment system to track the progress of all pupils within the curriculum.  As we are part of the Stone Partnership of Schools, we use a common system to record our assessments.  Target Tracker is used to keep an ongoing record of your child's progress and attainment.

At each Open Evening you will be given information about both your child's progress and attainment as they move through each year group.  At the end of the summer term you will receive a written report that will give information on your child's achievement in relation to the standards, as defined by the DFE, for each year group.

The terminology for attainment that we use is as follows:

Your child is working below the expected standard for their age.  This would mean that your child had not met the expected standard for their age group.

Your child is working at the expected standard for their age.  This would mean that your child had met all of the standards expected for a child of their age.

Your child is working at greater depth within the standard.  This would mean that your child had exceeded the expected standard and has a strong understanding of the concepts taught this year and has been working on extension activities to further develop their knowledge, skills and understanding.  

