Reception Parent Information


Please click on the link below to view the latest Parent Information Leaflets for Reception or Busy Bees.  Further information about our topics can also be found here.


Reception Parents Information Leaflet Autumn 2024


Busy Bees Parents Information Leaflet Autumn 2024



Weekly Home learning activities for Cherry Class:


Reception Home Learning Activities Autumn A 2024 



Physical Development

Our PE lessons will take place on Thursdays with Mr Clarke.  Please  make sure that the children have their named PE kits in school, long hair is tied back and all earrings are removed on this day.


Forest School

Forest School will be on a Tuesday afternoon.  Children should bring in WARM, WATERPROOF LAYERS with suitable waterproof gloves too. It would be useful if children can put their own kit on so please practice self-dressing skills where possible. 



Little Wandle Letters and Sounds

                 See related image detail         Home - Collins Hub


Please use the link here to access the parents' area of our Phonics program, Little Wandle.


This link here will take you to the page where you can find clips demonstrating how sounds we learned in the Autumn term, and sounds we are learning this term, are pronounced.


We have now started using Little Wandle and The Collins Hub for our reading.  Information about the learning we are doing this half term and the Wordless books we begin with, can be found here: Reception Autumn Term reading



A user guide, which can be accessed here, explains how to login to Collins Hub, where you will find the weekly shared reading book we have looked at in class.  You can find your child's personal login details at the back of their diary.


Ten Town

      Why I love…Ten Town - Teachwire

In Early Years children are introduced to Ten Town, to support learning numbers to 10 and beyond.  

All children are given access to Ten Town at school, and have passwords to use at home too.  You will find these at the back of your diaries.  Please check your child's diary for any activities they might be asked to do, or have a look together yourselves.





Children in Cherry Class can now access Numbots Maths activities.  Please see the password at the back of your child's diary to log in.  If you are having trouble, please speak to a member of staff.





Please see the guide attached here for information on how to access the letter-join website, to support letter formation and handwriting.

Letter-join guide


Proud Clouds

Don't forget to send in things you are proud of.  We love to share them with each other!

If you don't have any at home please ask a member of staff or you can print some off here.

Proud Clouds


Phonics Play

Please click the link here to take you to the Phonics Play website, where you will find some free games to practice reading words containing sounds we have learnt.  

Your Home-School diaries should tell you which sounds to look at.

After you have selected one of the three games shown here, select Phase 2 or Phase 3 and filter the selection to show words using phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs we know or need to practice.  Children then have to decide if they are real or nonsense words and put them in the correct place.  


1-Minute Maths 

I would like to draw your attention the new FREE app from White Rose Maths called 1-Minute Maths.  You can download the app on ipad, Android and Kindle.  There is also a downloadable chart for parents to track which activities children do and when.  

It has lots of fun activities great for children in Early Years and uses lots of the resources and vocabulary our children will be familiar with.  It would be great to dip in and out of to consolidate knowledge and understanding of various number concepts.