PSHE Curriculum Information

Curriculum Content

The PSHE education programme has been developed using identified children and young people’s needs and national and local guidance. Clear learning outcomes describe the skills, knowledge and attitudes children and young people will develop. PSHE education is provided and effectively taught through a spiral programme that gradually expands and enriches key concepts, increases knowledge, deepens understanding and rehearses and develops key skills through a thematic approach. Our curriculum is based on SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) materials woven into the Ealing Scheme of work.
SEAL – (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)

Six whole-school themes are taught to all age ranges throughout the year:– New beginnings (September/October)
– Getting on and falling out (November/December)
– Going for Goals! (January/February)
– Good to be me (February/March)
– Relationships (March/April)
– Changes (June/July)